TRHP Deer Scents Done Right
TRHP Deer Scent Done Right:Â
TRHP deer scents done right is our way of saying we know whats been on the market doesnt work but thiers a reason why and we are able to change the why. As we know there is a lot of competition that we are up against in this industry and most hunters want to know what makes our deer scents better? Well let me start off by saying the majority of the deer urine companies out on the market today advertise that they have the best deer scent and are 100% Pure Urine collected from one deer to one bottle? That’s great and all but what if I told you that 100% pure urine, buck or doe by itself is has little if no effect on communicating or luring whitetail deer. Pure deer urine without glands present is no more than a calming scent to them. Deer urine is water based and once it is exposed to oxygen the clock starts ticking on the overall quality and spoilage rapidly starts to kick in. Do you ever ask yourself "I wonder how whitetail deer communicate with each other?" Whitetail communicate by glands and these glands play a major role in their everyday life for communication, passion, aggression, marking territory, direction and overall survival. Texas Raised Hunting Products scents contain 100% authentic Buck or Doe urine that we blend together with our extracted deer glands, to formulate different scent combinations that deer use everyday in the wild to communicate with each other. Our scents contain roughly three times the scent molecules found in deer urine. These scent molecules produce the natural scent pheromones deer naturally use to respond to one another in the wild. Unlike 100% pure deer urine Texas Raised Hunting Products scents, lures, attractants and scent eliminators also contains an odorless food grade glycerin which has a sweet taste that animals actually like. The glycerin actually helps preserve and prevent spoilage to insure we lock in the natural scents freshness longer. This also helps slow down the process of evaporation and freeze proofs the products which ultimately allows our products to give off more scent in warm or cold temperatures with a shelf life up to 10 years!!! Hunters ask, which one of my scents is my favorite? Honestly, they all have proven attractive to whitetail all over the country all depends on the situation and what message or illusion your trying to present to the deer. Whitetail deer use their interdigital hoof glands as communication for bucks or does to let other deer know “where I am, where I was, and where I am going.” Preorbital gland is from the forehead, preorbital eye gland, ear wax, nasal gland and lip saliva they used year around to let other deer know who has been in their core traveling areas. Preorbital also is the most important and most natural scent they use on licking branches above mock and existing breeding buck scrapes. Buck and Doe tarsal glands are effective territorial and sexual identity markers for natural breeding and mock scrapes. Our deer scents are not like everyone else and rightfully so, that’s how we want it to be. Now that you know a little about our products, it should help you understand and appreciate how much thought and research has gone into developing North America's most powerful deer communication scents there is available on today’s market! We are hunters and want our fellow hunting community to be able and buy products that are not going to be a waste of time and hard-earned money. We hold our products effectiveness to a high standard and always looking for improvements every chance we get. Thanks for checking Texas Raised Hunting Products out and we hope you will try us out this season, God Bless!!!
When it comes to deer hunting, using the right scent can make all the difference, and that's where TRHP Deer Scent Done Right comes in. This top-of-the-line product is designed to attract deer with unparalleled effectiveness, making your hunting experience more fruitful and enjoyable.
TRHP Deer Scent Done Right is formulated using high-quality ingredients that accurately mimic the scents deer are naturally drawn to. Whether you are a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, understanding how to use deer scents effectively is crucial. The advantage of using our product is its reliability and the confidence it instills in hunters, knowing that the scent will perform under various conditions.
One of the key benefits of TRHP Deer Scent Done Right is its longevity. The scent lasts longer than many other brands on the market, so you can focus on your hunt without having to reapply it frequently. Additionally, the scent is potent yet natural, ensuring deer are attracted without becoming suspicious. Our product is easy to apply and comes in a variety of options, including liquid, gel, and spray forms, so you can choose the format that best suits your hunting style.
Beyond just attracting deer, TRHP Deer Scent Done Right can also be used to mask your own scent. This dual functionality is particularly useful in situations where you need to get close to your target without being detected. The science behind our formulation ensures that the scent pheromones are not overpowering, but just right to draw the deer in while keeping your presence concealed.
Moreover, customer feedback has consistently highlighted the effectiveness and reliability of TRHP Deer Scent Done Right. Hunters have reported seeing increased activity in their hunting areas and more successful hunts overall. This consistency in performance has made TRHP a trusted name among hunting enthusiasts.
If you are serious about enhancing your hunting game, investing in TRHP Deer Scent Done Right is a decision that will pay off. The product not only increases your chances of a successful hunt but also enriches your overall hunting experience by allowing you to leverage nature in your favor. Remember, the right scent can be a game-changer, and with TRHP, you are always making the right choice.
When it comes to deer hunting, using the right scent can make all the difference. TRHP Deer Scent Done Right ensures you get the most out of your hunting experience by attracting bucks effectively. In this ultimate guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about using TRHP deer scents and maximizing your chances of a successful hunt.
First and foremost, understanding the science behind deer scents is crucial. Deer rely heavily on their sense of smell for communication, marking territory, and identifying potential mates. By using TRHP Deer Scent Done Right, you can mimic these natural scents and trigger specific responses from bucks. It's all about fooling their nose by using the most effective and natural-smelling scents available.
So, how do you start using TRHP Deer Scent Done Right? Begin by choosing the right product for your needs. TRHP offers a variety of scents, including doe urine, buck urine, and estrous scents. Each type of scent serves a particular purpose: doe urine is great for calming deer and making them feel safe, buck urine is used to create a sense of competition, and estrous scents drive bucks wild during the mating season. Selecting the appropriate scent based on the hunting season and conditions is key.
Application methods for TRHP Deer Scent Done Right also play a significant role. One popular method is using scent wicks, which you can hang from branches or place on the ground near your stand or blind. Scent drags are another effective technique—simply attach the scent drag to your boot and walk a predetermined path to create a scent trail. Additionally, using scent stations, where you create a mock scrape using TRHP scents, can attract curious bucks looking to claim the territory.
Safety and maintenance are also vital. Store your TRHP Deer Scent Done Right products in a cool, dark place to prolong their effectiveness. Clean applicators and containers regularly to prevent contamination that could alarm deer. When applying scents, always wear rubber gloves and avoid touching the scent with your bare hands to keep human scent from interfering.
Lastly, a bit of patience goes a long way. Deer hunting is not just about applying scents and waiting; it's about understanding deer behavior and adjusting your tactics accordingly. Pay attention to the wind direction, as deer have an incredible sense of smell and can quickly detect unnatural scents. Be mindful of your movement and noise levels, as stealth is essential when getting close to deer. Combine these strategies with TRHP Deer Scent Done Right, and you'll be well on your way to a successful hunting season.