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Creating Your Licking Branch/ Mock Scrape

A good location to place your primary scrape is at a pinch point or narrow travel corridor that funnels deer through the area. Buck will also hold back a short distance in cover to survey the surrounding area before entering a food plot or field to feed. This holding area will be another fine location buck will scent-check regularly before entering the feeding location. Your mock scrape should be a large, eye-catching, naturally scented experience deer will remember and return to scent check during the rutting periods.

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Wildlife biologist and outdoor writer Larry Weishuhn is out rattling in whitetail bucks with friend Johnnie Hudman and shares his top tips for success in the field. “Give me those horns! All you’ve rattled in is promises and hot air!” “And what pray tell, what have you contributed?” I countered to Johnny Hudman, nay demand. “What about those five bucks I rattled in at the last set-up? And don’t you tell me they were simply apparitions. You may not have acknowledged it, but they came charging in!” Pushing back his hat Johnnie stared off into the distant sky, “Well… yeah...

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Preorbital Gland is located in the small slit, just past the eye's tear duct. This gland produces a secretion containing pheromones and semiochemical compounds frequently deposited on twigs. In layman’s terms… when you find a scrape, you find a “licking branch” this is where a whitetail uses this gland.

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Larry Weishuhn - Coyote and Hog Hunting in Texas is part of managing your property to increase the fawn survival rate.

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