TRHP Outdoors

Breeding Buck Preorbital

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Breeding Buck Preorbital Deer Urine

Breeding Buck Preorbital is our 100% Authentic extracted forehead, tear duct, ear gland and wax, mouth and lip saliva. Early in pre-rut as buck are traveling together they state their dominance by rubbing, chewing, licking and then smelling their epidermal glandular scents and saliva pheromones. Buck are instinctively programmed to open communal licking branches in their core travel areas. This scent establishes their natural “pecking order” in the progression to the coming rutting season. It is the number one scent of interest to buck when seeking out does for the upcoming breeding season. Buck Preorbital head gland scents placed on a few broken branches above mock or natural buck scrapes with a little of your favorite TRHP Outdoors deer urine placed beneath it, will make the scrape appear authentic. 

Shake Well: Before Each Application!!!

☆Weather resilient NO FREEZE!!!

 Most Effective:

  • Year Around Licking Branches 
  • Early Season (Early August)
  • Pre Rut
  • Rut
  • Late Season

When you're looking to improve your hunting game and attract dominant bucks, look no further than Breeding Buck Preorbital Deer Urine. This product features carefully collected deer urine, ideally suited for those aiming to draw in mature, territorial bucks. The scent effectively mimics the natural preorbital gland secretions found in deer, triggering a territorial response. Because of the unique nature of this product, it helps increase your chances of successful hunts, making it a must-have for dedicated hunters.

Breeding Buck Preorbital is specifically formulated to mimic the scent of a dominant breeding buck. By using this attractant, you signal to other bucks in the area that a competitor has entered their territory. Bucks, being naturally territorial, will look to investigate and challenge the intruder, giving hunters a prime opportunity to take a shot. The scent's authenticity and potency make it highly effective in luring mature bucks out of hiding.

Not only does Breeding Buck Preorbital Deer Urine help attract dominant bucks, but it also plays an essential role in wildlife management. By understanding the behaviors and reactions of deer to such scents, hunters can make informed decisions on how to balance deer populations and ensure healthy ecosystems. Proper use of this product can guide your hunting strategy, aid in maintaining balanced herd dynamics, and elevate your overall hunting experience.

Another notable advantage of Breeding Buck Preorbital is its versatility. It can be used in various hunting setups, including mock scrapes, drags, and scent wicks. This flexibility allows hunters to adapt to different scenarios and improve their odds of attracting bucks. By integrating this deer urine attractant into your hunting routine, you optimize your chances of encountering mature bucks and increase your potential for success. In conclusion, Breeding Buck Preorbital Deer Urine is a powerful tool for any hunter looking to enhance their game and manage wildlife effectively. Its authentic scent and versatility make it a valuable asset in your hunting toolkit.