Texas Raised Hunting Products LLC

Breeding Buck Preorbital and Buck Tarsal Bundle

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Breeding Buck Preorbital and Buck Tarsal Bundle

Our Breeding Buck Preorbital Scent Spray combines the highest quality deer scents from dominant bucks extracted forehead, tear duct, ear gland and wax, mouth, and lip saliva. Early in pre-rut, bucks travel together; they state their dominance by rubbing, chewing, licking, and then smelling. Bucks are instinctively programmed to open communal licking branches in their core travel areas.

 This “NO FREEZE” weather-resistant formula allows the hunter to communicate directly to both dominant bucks and does in the area. This is a must-have to add to your deer scent arsenal. 

  • 2oz. Preorbital 
  • 2oz. Buck Tarsal

Most Effective:

    • Early Season: (September-November)
    • Pre-Rut
    • Rut
    • Post-Rut
    • Late Season

 Step #1

Shake Well: Apply Buck tarsal on the bottom of boots or Scent Guardian.

Step #2

Apply on preoprbital on licking branch thats around 4ft from the ground ato the branch itself on average 1 oz per licking branch in your target zone. 

Step #3

Remove all leaves and forage 4X4 foot area underneath the licking branch leaving only dirt underneath the licking branch using a hand held garden rake. Make sure the take is Sprayed down with either Buck Tarsal.or Scent Guardian prior.

Step #4

Spray in the middle of the scrape at least 1 oz. of Buck tarsal then on the left and right side of the Buck Tarsal make several scrapes from.front to back as if a Buck was using his hooves scraping the ground. 

Warning: Do not apply to clothing or apparel. If using game cameras place tape over the lenses and spray the camera down with SG then remove after application. This allow the blockage IR lense frequencie once it flips on to take a picture. Why you get bucks that look right at the camera once it takes a image. They can see IR but they can hear that lense, they can smell your scent on that camera and they can feel the RF which satellite game cameras are easily detected. You know that Buck you get one image and never see agian well... This why! You will get images of 6-7 year old bucks faces against these cameras if you do this try it out run camera without Scent Guardian and ones with and your make the decision based of your testing... 

Breeding Buck Preorbital is Proudly Made in the USA 🇺🇸

When it comes to hunting, the right scent can make all the difference between a successful hunt and a frustrating day in the field. The Breeding Buck Preorbital and Buck Tarsal Bundle is formulated to give hunters the edge they need to attract big bucks. These premier deer scents are perfect for hunters looking to create the most enticing hunting area for mature bucks. The bundle is designed to eliminate unwanted human scents while simulating the natural scents that draw deer during breeding season.

The preorbital gland scent and buck tarsal scent in this bundle work together to create an environment that is almost irresistible to bucks. The preorbital gland scent is applied to overhanging branches, replicating the scent marks that bucks naturally make in their territory. This signals to other deer that a dominant buck is in the area and in turn, lures them in. Meanwhile, the buck tarsal scent is applied to scrapes or the ground, further mimicking the presence of a mature buck by using the scent from the deer’s tarsal gland. This double-prong approach increases the chances of a buck approaching within shooting range.

Using the Breeding Buck Preorbital and Buck Tarsal Bundle also helps in covering up human odors that could alarm deer. This scent elimination feature is critical so that your hunting trips are efficient and productive. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or a novice, this bundle can greatly enhance your chances of a successful hunt and contribute to an exhilarating hunting experience.

But that's not all. The science behind these scents involves mimicking the hormonal changes that occur in deer during the rut. This is why the Breeding Buck Preorbital and Buck Tarsal Bundle is particularly effective during the mating season. Hunters often look for any advantage that can shift the odds in their favor, and using this bundle can be that game-changer. Its effectiveness is backed by numerous hunters who have successfully lured and harvested trophy bucks, thanks to these superior scents.

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